Friday, October 10, 2014

Club Penguin's October Igloo Catalog is WICKED

I haven't stopped hanging pumpkin lights and situating pumpkins since the October Igloo and Furnishings catalog was released a few days ago.  October's featured Halloween igloos are incredible.

The Ghostly Cavern:

Lolive 246's ghostly cavern with a cool lava lake of gold that his golden puffle buddy scavenged - love it! Ab Fab!

Next, the Eerie Castle, decked out by Dcookie888, below.  Puffle playground, eerie lights and rad pumpkins.  I love it!

And of course, here are some of the items you can purchase.  I bought a *few* sets of pumpkin lights to drape. :)

Here is my igloo!

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