Friday, November 28, 2014

Ahoy, Matey! It Be a Pirate Party on Disney’s Club Penguin!

November, 2014’s Club Penguin monthly themed party is an awesome Pirate Party

This month’s party mascot is once again [Pirate] Rockhopper!  While Pirate Rockhopper was out exploring, a group of crabs living on Swashbuckler Trading Post boarded Rockhopper's ship, the Migrator (bloody stow-aways!). These mutinous buggers eventually took over, sailing Pirate Rockhopper’s beloved Migrator straight into the shores of Club Penguin where they crashed.  Club Penguin Times posted an article, pictured below, quoting a devastated Pirate Rockhopper as saying, “She be the greatest ship that ever be sailing the seven and a half seas”. 

Penguins are pitching in to help Rockhopper, battling those pirate crabs (rock/paper/scissors style) and collecting their own loot.  Also, penguins can duel each another to collect "pirate party coins" that can be redeemed for different pirate swords. My son, DCookie888 loves the green glowing sword and the purple balloon sword, but there are more. He says that if you select the lowest lefthand icon during the duel, labeled “LOW” you will almost always win your duel on the second blow. This is the fourth pirate themed party Club Penguin has hosted. Club Penguin’s Pirate Party is running from November 20 through December 3rd.  

Rockhopper needs our help to stop the pirate crabs who are hoarding the precious treasures that they stole from him. Penguins are battling crabs all over the island, winning their own loot along the way.  There are battles in the Dock area, Snow Forts, Plaza and even in Town Center.  It is chaos!  But don’t worry, DCookie888 is ON it. We are having a great time battling those pesky crabs.

 You'll need to claim yer free sword, first, Mateys. 

DCookie888 is ON it.  Here he is wearing his newly collected Pirate Party garb, accompanied by a Ghost Puffle from last month’s Halloween party. 

 These duels are rock-paper-scissors style

Pics from around the island


Thursday, November 27, 2014

The pictures below are from D23, the Official Disney Fan Club's website (link below). There is a fabulous article written by Sarah Smith, Kick of the Holidays with a Parade. She interviews  Bill Schermerhorn, Macy’s Creative Director, who has been bringing the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade to the streets of New York each Thanksgiving for thirty years.  A must read!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Turner Classic Movies and Disney are revamping "The Great Movie Ride" and releasing Treasures from the Disney Vault

Call me crazy, you won't be the first.  But there really isn't anything at all that I enjoy more than watching old movies on TV, commercials and all.  I feel like getting up and adjusting rabbit ears that have aluminum foil extensions on them (Oh - you aren't familiar? Well, that is ok. You can DVR it and enjoy it later). I am not sure if I am old, or if my parents just held out for an extraordinarily long time before they upgraded our TV. Both. Sort of.  Anyway - Turner Classic Movies ("TCM") has partnered with Disney to release the following fabulous retro-cool movies. This is being billed as "the ultimate array of classic movies" and Disney/TCM will feature an array of classic flicks several times a year. I am going to stay tuned, because I love this type of thing.  

Also, in case you haven't heard, during the Spring of 2015 TCM and Disney are revamping "The Great Movie Ride" to update it a bit. See the third screenshot below for Disney/TCM's exact description - but in a nutshell, we are due for an update.  :)  Looking forward to it!

A Frozen Holiday Wish at Disney's Magic Kingdom!!!

Watch the full video here:

Frozen - A Frozen Holiday Wish at Disney's Magic Kingdom

Join Queen Elsa, Princess Anna, Kristoff and OLAF as Cinderella Castle is transformed into a frozen palace! I love this show.  Queen Elsa works her frozen magic. :)

Minnie Mouse Rockettes! Disney's Hollywood Studios Shop Window

I adore the shop windows in all of the Disney theme parks during the holidays.  These Minnie Mouse Rockettes are in Disney's Holllywood Studios.

2014 Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Disney's Hollywood Studios! Video and Pictures

Every year, Disney's Hollywood Studios recreates the "Osborne Family Spectacle of Lights". Thousands of lights twinkling and dancing with a backdrop of Christmas music.  Did I mention it "snows"?  It is a fabulous way to get into the holiday spirit.  

Oh yeah - straight to the "good part".  The video below is taken under the canopy of lights, this is gorgeous! Check out my pics below.

Click here for the video:
Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Disney's Hollywood Studios

From Disney World's website (more information Osborne Spectacle of Lights Info